5 Reasons For Churches To Consider Writing Original Songs
Original songs can focus
Songs written in Australia or Northern California can be an easy choice for many good reasons. One downside however is that only YOU have a pulse on your church and your community. How could writing original music help you shepherd YOUR people?
Original songs can equip
In one of the pastoral epistles, Paul explains to Timothy that one fo the roles of a leader in the church is to “equip the saints for the work of the ministry.” As songwriters, producers, and worship leaders, how can our original songs equip believers to be effective in their calling and purpose?
Original songs can make disciples
Jesus’ final words on earth before returning to the Father were to ask us to go to all people, everywhere and make disciples. During the Jesus Music movement of the 60s and 70s many artists and musicians became followers of Jesus and then naturally used their music platforms to make disciples. Obviously our culture has drastically changed in recent decades. These changes can make the former methods of missions through music a challenge. But what if your original songs could help lead people to take significant steps toward following Jesus?
Original songs can teach good theology
AW Tozer said in his book The Knowledge Of The Holy: “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” That goes for individuals, but I feel can also helpful to apply collectively. Since God can’t be anything people may WANT Him to be, how can you original songs help unwrap what can be known about God through general and special revelation?
Original Songs Can Be Inclusive
What if there are amazing songwriters hidden within your church? Let’s expand that just a bit. What if your church contains amazing, undiscovered graphic designers, musicians, copywriters, publicists, sound engineers, and more just waiting to be included in the original-song-crafting process?
What if the benefits of writing original music for your church are worth the time, effort, and resources? Might be worth considering.