Sam Hart Music

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5 Keys To Making Music That is Christian (PART 3)


"No branch can bear fruit by itself...I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." (Jesus)

My default mindset is "I can crush it because of my skill set, experience, and work ethic alone." Jesus' claim calls my mindset delusional.

According to John 15, the rub happens when we trust Jesus and then tell Him "I'll take it from here." Jesus’ point is that no branch contains the ability to “push out” fruit. A branch is completely dependent upon the root system which supplies it with the water and other nutrients to create life. Simply: Connection to Jesus = Production of fruit.

Jesus reveals that one of our primary purposes is producing "fruit." How do we know this? Because Jesus is implying "usefulness." Jesus is being brutally honest: "If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.” (John 15:6) Uncomfortable right? But Jesus is giving us a glimpse into God's mind. It seems that while God redeems our fallen nature, we're not merely saved FROM something but also TO something. We are redeemed into a purpose - His purpose. Why "His purpose?" Because it's not the branches that determine the fruit, it's the TREE that determines the type of fruit produced. We don't call it an "Apple Branch" but an "Apple Tree."

As a full-time music producer/business owner, I deal with this daily. I'm constantly choosing between worry and wonder, fear and faith, pessimism and purpose, and countless other opportunities to trust God over myself.

How about you? Maybe today you're feeling "dried out." Creativity fading? Exhausted by the hustle? Discouraged by constant rejection? Tired of trying to win an audience, label executives, or social media engagement? Worried about money? Feeling alone trying to stand out among millions of songs released per year? Maybe you're trying to "produce" fruit on your own. Jesus' invitation today is to connect with Him and HIS strength and power. Then you can be filled with His vision and purpose for your creativity and work.