Taylor Holland Armstrong

Former hard rock/metal singer turned Christian music artist Taylor Holland Armstrong is making a redemptive reappearance onto the music scene…

Growing up in Orange County, California, Armstrong was immersed in a vibrant music scene and surrounded by churches and Christian festivals, which laid the foundation for his faith. At 19, his rock band The Confession was signed to a record deal, but the success led the way to drug addiction. At 29, after Jesus freed him from addiction, he left his music career to focus on his new-found faith and start a family. However, in the kindness of His redemption, God began to prompt him to pick up singing again. In 2024 Taylor teamed up with Christian producer Sam Hart in 2024 to create songs like "Paradise," "Love More Wild," and "While I Wait." In additional to Christian Music listeners, Armstrong has a big heart for the Recovery and Incarcerated demographic and hopes his life and music will pointing listeners to the true freedom and forgiveness found in a relationship with Jesus.

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